
Information according to §5 TMG

Brummi Dusche Carduck GmbH
Managing Director: Peter Carduck

Register Court: Düren Local Court
Registration number: HRB 1737
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG: DE170786431

Home address:

Brummi Dusche – Carduck GmbH
Willi-Bleicher-Str. 52 – 54
52353 Düren

Authorized representatives:

Peter Carduck

Contact details:

Legal notice

We constantly check and update the information on this website. Despite all care, data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore, no liability or guarantee can be assumed for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided.
This website may contain references to other proprietary rights and copyright information that must be observed and followed. We reserve the right to update and/or change the information in this app at any time without prior notice. This also applies to improvements and/or changes to products or programs. We also point out that the information on this app may contain typographical errors.

Liability for links

With the judgment of September 12, 1999 – 312 O 85/99 (liability for links), the Regional Court of Hamburg ruled that the inclusion of links also leads to co-responsibility of the material offered via these links. This can – according to the LG – only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents.
We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all contents of linked pages or graphics and do not adopt them as our own. All violations of applicable law, custom or morality, which become known to us, will result in the immediate deletion of links, entries, graphics or similar.

Veränderte Öffnungszeiten

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es bis zum 22.04. krankheitsbedingt Abweichungen von unseren Öffnungszeiten geben kann.

Rufen Sie uns vor Ihrem Besuch kurz an, um sicherzustellen, dass wir für Sie verfügbar sind.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.